The Ecorobotix team invites anyone interested in learning more about ARA, and Ecorobotix in general, to join them at Aerts Rapide’s stand in Hall 6 - Stand 6301, where the ARA Ultra-high Precision Smart Sprayer will proudly be on display.
ARA’s Use in the Netherlands and Belgium
ARA's effectiveness in the Netherlands and Belgium specifically stands as testament to its adaptability in addressing agricultural challenges within these regions. The mild winters pose an increasing difficulty for Dutch farmers in controlling volunteer potatoes and the current manual approach proves time-consuming and quite costly.
ARA has had much success removing volunteer potatoes in onion and sugar beet fields in the Netherlands and Belgium and farmers have also found success employing ARA in weed management within chicory fields as well.
With around 3500 total hectares of fields in the Netherlands having utilized ARA thus far and approximately 80 machines sold in the region, its implementation has proven quite profitable.
Han Hilbrands, Co-founder and Precision Farming Specialist of Doorgrond and Smart Agri Technology, comments on the cost benefits ARA provides. “We see that farmers can use less crop protection products with ARA, but the other big profit is the extra yield that the farmers generate. This will make sure that the ARA has a fast return on investment.”
By reducing input costs and enhancing overall yields, ARA has shown tangible benefits for not only Dutch and Belgic farmers, but farmers across the globe including around 11 other European countries as well as Canada, South America, and the USA. Its versatile application worldwide has proven successful across various crops such as onions, sugar beets, green beans, chicory, lettuce, and more (for a comprehensive list of compatible crops, please consult the Ecorobotix website at ).
For sales inquiries in the Netherlands or Belgium, please contact Ecorobotix regional distributors:
Abemec (Netherlands)
+31 (0)413 38 29 11
Smart Agri Technology (Netherlands)
+(316) 20845687
Aerts Rapide BV (Belgium)
+32 476/58 47 79