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Ecorobotix Unveils AI Software Release 3.0 For ARA Smart Sprayer

Ecorobotix Unveils AI Software Release 3.0 For ARA Smart Sprayer

Ecorobotix is excited to unveil the latest release, 3.0, of their Plant-by-Plant™ AI Software, introducing a diverse range of new capabilities for the ARA ultra-high precision smart sprayer. These developments significantly broaden the range of treatments achievable using Ecorobotix’s innovative Plant-by-Plant™ AI software system.


Eliminating Weeds and Increasing Sugar Beet Biomass

Eliminating Weeds and Increasing Sugar Beet Biomass

One of the biggest obstacles sugar beet cultivation encounters is the infestations of weeds. We conducted a field trial aimed to assess the effectiveness of the ARA ultra-high precision sprayer in managing weed growth and reducing phytotoxicity in sugar beet crops.


Confronting Volunteer Potatoes with ARA

Confronting Volunteer Potatoes with ARA

Ecorobotix’s ARA, ultra-high precision sprayer, can be used to apply a variety of different herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and biostimulants on a wide range of crops and weeds. Its computer software includes different options, one of which can be used to control volunteer potatoes.


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