ARA Field Sprayer

Powered by Ecorobotix’s AI-driven precision spraying technology, ARA dramatically reduces the use of plant protection products and fertilizers, cutting inputs by up to 95%. This innovative solution helps farmers minimize manual labor, maximizing operational efficiency and agricultural profitability.

Ultra-High Precision

ARA is an advanced precision sprayer designed for ultra-targeted application of plant protection products and fertilizers. Its system ensures minimal product use, reducing inputs by up to 95%, while effectively controlling weeds and protecting crops. ARA supports sustainable farming practices, helping growers meet regulatory standards and optimize yields.


Vielseitig & arbeitsersparend

Betreiben Sie ARA Tag und Nacht mit minimalem manuellen Aufwand, senken Sie Ihre Arbeitskosten und steigern Sie die Effizienz.

KI-gesteuertes Präzisionsspritzen

Erreichen Sie eine Reduktion des Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes um bis zu 95 % durch ultra-zielgerichtetes, KI-gestütztes Spritzen.

Steigerung der Rentabilität

Erhöhen Sie Ihre Erträge und Rentabilität durch eine deutliche Reduzierung von Betriebsmitteln und Betriebskosten.

Schnelle Amortisation & Kostenvorteil

Amortisation in ca. 2–4 Jahren dank niedrigerer Gerätekosten im Vergleich zu aktuellen Technologien.

Optimieren Sie Ihren Betrieb mit Präzisionsspritzen

Kontaktieren Sie uns, um die richtige Lösung für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden.

Control Unit

ARA is controlled via a supplied tablet and is easily regulated from the user interface in three clicks by selecting crop, treatment, and pressure.

UHP Spray Technology

Each module is equipped with 52 high-precision spray nozzles (156 total) with adjustable bar height. Unprecedented spray precision of 6x6cm (2.4x2.4in).

ARA Front Tank System

ARA is supplied with a dual tank system, a three point front hitch (CAT2), and an integrated hydraulic pumping system.


The cameras rapidly gather images of the ground which are then processed by the Plant-by-Plant Software system in order to detect and treat plants and weeds.


Different tire sets are available for crops or grasslands and are spaced 1.5-2m (4.9-6.6ft) apart.

ARA Frame

ARA's three modules measures 6m (19.7ft) wide and can travel at a speed of 7.2 km/h (4.66 mph). To avoid drift, ARA is equipped with a bottom black protective cover.

Präzision, angetrieben von Künstlicher Intelligenz

Unsere Plant-by-Plant™ KI-Software ist das Gehirn, das das gesamte System zum Laufen bringt – von der Pflanzenabtastung bis zum präzisen Sprühen in einem Augenblick!

ARA Technische Daten


Ultrapräzises Sprühen

Oberflächenbehandlung mit einer Präzision von 6 × 6 cm, um nur die Zielpflanze zu erreichen.

Behandlung Tag und Nacht

Bis zu 4 ha/Stunde bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 7,2 km/h.

Kompatibel mit den wichtigsten Kulturarten

Weiden, Feldgemüse, Großpflanzen, Rasen und viele weitere.

Datenanalyse und -vergleich

Verfolgen Sie die Entwicklung Ihrer Felder anhand der gesammelten Daten.

Konventionelles Kopplungssystem

Gezogene Maschine, ähnlich den aktuellen Standardlösungen.

Tablet-gesteuertes Management

Sehr einfach zu bedienen mit wenigen Klicks.


Systemabmessungen Länge

(Länge × Breite × Höhe)

Transport: 2.74 m × 2.97 m × 3.20 m

Arbeitsbereich: 2,74 m × 6,46 m × 1,26 m

Radabstand: 1,5 m bis 2 m


156 hochpräzise Sprühdüsen mit einem Abstand von 4 cm


Fronttank: 450 kg (leer) und 1350 kg (voll)
Maschinengewicht: 1200 kg

Volumen des Fronttank-Systems

600 L Wassertank
300 L Mischungstank


6,04 m

Maximale Anhängergeschwindigkeit

Bis zu 7,2 km/h


Hydraulisch: min. 100 bar
PTO: max. 3 kW (4 PS) Energiebedarf


4 Hektar/Stunde, bis zu 96 Hektar/Tag


Bis zu 95 % Einsparung bei Pflanzenschutzmitteln (abhängig von der Unkrautdichte)

Anschlüsse am Traktor

Hydraulisch: min. 100 bar
PTO: max. 3 kW (4 PS) Energiebedarf


Nach den geltenden Normen

Steuerung und Konfiguration

Über Tablet mit drahtloser Verbindung

Tractor Setup

  1. Front dual-tank system (water + spray liquid)
  2. Power take-off
  3. Hydraulic power unit
  4. Spray boom

Trusted and Awarded

Recognized for innovation, sustainability, and positive impact—our AI-driven precision technology has earned the trust of farmers and industry leaders worldwide.

Customer Feedback

Use ARA in your Crops

For vegetable crops, large crops, and grasslands, explore our various crop algorithms and discover if our technology is compatible with your fields.

Easy to Use

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Any Other Questions?



  • What does ARA do?

    ARA is an ultra-high precision spot sprayer. It uses a set of cameras to capture detailed images of the field, deciphering soil, crops and weeds in real time. Based on the farmer's needs, ARA can selectively target and spray either the crops or the weeds for precise treatments. This allows for tailored herbicide and Crop Protection (fungicides, insecticides, liquid fertilizers, biological products) treatments.

  • How does ARA work?

    ARA uses cameras to take pictures of the field and differentiate between soil, crops and weeds. Depending on the farmer's requirements, the machine targets and sprays the plants with precise dosages, ensuring that only the areas that need treatment are affected. This reduces the use of unnecessary chemicals, optimizes crop care and provides a solution to ergonomic issues.

  • What speed does ARA operate at?

    ARA's ideal operating speed is 7.2 km/h (4.5 miles per hour), ensuring efficient yet precise field treatments.

  • What are the main benefits of using ARA?

    Significant savings on plant protection products:
    By targeting only the weeds or specific crops, ARA can reduce plant protection product usage by 50% to over 95%, depending on the target (crop or weeds), crop stage, and weed infestation. We have even seen reductions of up to 98%! (article)

    Increased yield potential:

    Avoiding touching the crop with the sprays reduces the stress induces to the crop by plant protection products. The crop does not have to detoxify from unnecessary selective products and dedicates all its energy to growth.

    Earlier harvest:
    The use of selective products affects crop development when applied broadcast. By incorporating ARA to reduce phytotoxicity, farmers may promote inherent growth and achieve an earlier harvest compared to conventional farming. This development allows for quicker market access and improved profitability.

    Significant reduction in manual labor:
    By applying precise and efficient treatments, ARA reduces the need for manual labor, resulting in major savings. Farmers can apply treatments at specific crop stages that traditional broadcast methods cannot achieve. The use of natural molecules as weedkillers offers new weed management options that take away the costs of manual labor.

    Minimal drift:
    ARA is designed to minimize drift, with covers on every side of the machine that significantly reduces the influence of wind. This ensures that the plant protection products are precisely applied to the target area, improving accuracy and reducing environmental impact.

  • Why choose ARA over traditional broadcast spraying methods?

    Unlike conventional broadcast spraying, ARA offers precise, plant-by-plant treatment, which drastically reduces chemical usage and minimizes environmental impact. This innovative approach not only benefits the environment but also results in healthier crops, reduced labor costs, and better yields. ARA can also solve agronomic challenges that conventional sprayers cannot achieve so far.


  • What is the minimum size of weeds that ARA can successfully detect and treat?

    ARA can effectively detect and treat weeds with a minimum size of up to 4 x 4 mm (0.16 x 0.16 inches), encompassing both dicotyledons and monocotyledons. 

  • What is the maximum size of weeds that ARA can successfully detect and treat?

    ARA can detect and treat weeds up to a height of 40 cm (15.8 inches), with no limitation on width or length. However, it's important to highlight that due to the advanced stages of weed at this size, the results may not meet expectations due to agronomic factors and molecule action spectrum. Therefore, always follow the instructions on the product label used.

  • What is the minimum size of crops that ARA can successfully detect and treat?

    ARA's robust detection of crops begins at the phenological stage of V2 (two true leaves) and beyond. While ARA can be used before this stage, if employed for weed control, it is advisable to exclusively use selective products for the crop before reaching V2.

  • What is the maximum size of crops that ARA can successfully detect and treat?

    ARA can detect and treat crops up to a height of 40 cm (15.8 inches), with no limitation on width or length. 


  • What is the maximum speed ARA can operate without affecting its performance?

    The recommended maximum tractor driving speed for operations with ARA is 7.2 km/h (4.5 mph). 

  • Does speed variation affect ARA's performance?

    The tractor's driving speed does not impact ARA's performance within the range of 0.5 km/h (0.3 mph) to 7.2 km/h (4.5 mph). Performance remains consistent at different speeds.

    Disclaimer: The mixture concentration needs to be adapted to the desired speed.


  • Can ARA be used in crops that still have no algorithm?

    ARA can be used in all crops. Specific crops algorithms allow differentiation between the crop and other plants, enabling spot applications only on the crop or on every weed, depending on the selected application.

    Other algorithms, like "All Green", identify and spray all plants (irrespective to the crop or weed), saving product from being wasted on bare soil. These algorithms allow the ARA to identify plants in general. 

  • What are the tractor's horsepower requirements to integrate with ARA?

    There is no limitation on the tractor’s horsepower (hp), but the limitation lies in its load capacity (weight to be carried).
    The tractor should be capable of carrying 1'100 kg (2'430 lbs) at 1.2 m (3.3 ft) from the tractor’s connector on the back and 1'000 kg (2205 lbs) at 0.8 m (2.6 ft) from the tractor’s connector in the front. Therefore, tractors superior to 90 hp are recommended, with most clients falling in the 120 hp range.

  • More Information in Our Brochure

    ARA product sheet (PDF 4.1 Mb)

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