Bei ecorobotix arbeiten 27.01.2022

Melanie Hürlimann

I was welcomed very warmly. The team was ready and I felt awaited.

Supply Chain Manager

Melanie Hürlimann

You are one of the latest arrivals. What made you apply?

I liked the fact that this project was a bit futuristic and I wanted to do something for the environment. I like the start-up, sustainable development aspect, combined with the technological, robotic and artificial intelligence aspect.

How was the recruitment process and your first days at work?

From the beginning of the recruitment process, I was struck by the very human side. When I started, I received a very warm welcome. The welcome was personalised down to the last detail. The team was ready and I felt expected. 

What do you like about working at ecorobotix?

I like the dynamism and flexibility of organisation in relation to the tasks, as well as the possibility of taking on different responsibilities. You feel that different opinions count for a lot and are valued. You can feel that this project has a soul and that everyone wants to make it a success. Colleagues do not hesitate to share their expertise. There is a lot of knowledge sharing. I also like the fact that there are many activities organised outside of work (outings, sports). It's very informal, without obligation.

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