Sugar beet

Holland Farmer Combining Mechanical Weeding with the ARA Sprayer

Holland Farmer Combining Mechanical Weeding with the ARA Sprayer

Noud van Gog, a farmer and contractor based in Liessel, Netherlands, manages a substantial area of chicory and sugar beets, covering 580 hectares and 710 hectares, respectively. Dedicated to keeping his fields clean from weeds, he employs a strategic mix of mechanical weeding and spraying with Ecorobotix’s ARA precision sprayer, aiming to minimize chemical usage while maximizing crop health and yield.


Eliminating Weeds and Increasing Sugar Beet Biomass

Eliminating Weeds and Increasing Sugar Beet Biomass

One of the biggest obstacles sugar beet cultivation encounters is the infestations of weeds. We conducted a field trial aimed to assess the effectiveness of the ARA ultra-high precision sprayer in managing weed growth and reducing phytotoxicity in sugar beet crops.
